Hopefully you are aware that there limitations when using a sharedhosting provider, often implemented to allow the provider to keep the server secure. Luckily with 1and1 we are able to work around this and allow Magento access to PHP 5.2 (Please note this guide is just for using with 1and1’s shared hosting solutions). Enjoy!
Getting Started
- Setup your MySQL database
- Navigate to your 1and1 Administration tab in your 1and1 control panel
- Using the 1and1 MySQL Administration page click New Database, start a fresh one just for Magento
- Make sure its set to use MySQL version 5.0, fill in YOUR details as shown below
- Download the latest Magento installation package (full release, not installer)-> http://www.magentocommerce.com/download (at time of writing its version
- Upload this to your server (yes, upload the Magento zipped folder)
- In your 1and1 control panel navigate to your web space explorer and right click on the .zip file you just uploaded and extract it. You are able to move/rename the folder if you need to.
- Now you need to go back to your favourite FTP program and CHMOD the following files and folders to 777
- magento/var/.htaccess (file)
- magento/app/etc (folder)
- magento/var (folder)
- magento/media (folder)
- Download the .htaccess file found in the root directory of your Magento install.
- Edit the file, removing the comments from:
## this line is specific for 1and1 hostingAddType x-mapp-php5 .php
AddHandler x-mapp-php5 .php############################################
- This allows you to use PHP 5.0
- You will also need to un-comment “#RewriteBase /magento/” and edit it if you changed the location of your install
- Re-upload the .htaccess file
- Make sure the MySQL database is READY, this is shown in the 1and1 control panel under MySQL Administration
- Now you can begin the install goto http://www.you_domain.com/magento/index.php/install
- From here you just need to add the details requested by the installation program, copying and pasting from the 1and1 control panel as needed
- To enter the adming section of magento just point your browser to http://www.you_domain.com/magento/index.php/admin (or whatever you alter admin to in the installation)
I hope you have found this 1and1 Magento setup guide useful, its been put together by myself after having issues setting up Magento on my shared 1and1 account. Info has been taken from a number of installation guides from the net and reworded by myself.